Straight off the bat – the Moorhampton Hill trig point has spectacular views!
The first part of the Moorhampton Hill trig point bag begins at Gwatkins Red Cow. I parked up, popped into the quaint little farm shop and grabbed a few supplies – you know, the essentials… Coffee and cake!
Plan was to grab a bite to eat but it was already full, so the decision was to bag the trig point and see if there was a table free afterwards. Clearly a popular little place as there was nothing then either!
However I left the car in the car park (with plenty of free spaces around) and set off. A couple of farmyard favourites cheered me on!
I headed up through the gate along the marked footpath into a sheep field.
I headed up… And up… And up! Just behind this building was a stile into the next field. I continued up… And up… And up… Again!
I followed the track around the edge of the woodlands. I ensure I shut the gate behind me so the sheep wouldn’t escape (!)
Over each brow revealed another high point, then another, then another.
And then, on top of the next hill – there it was… the Moorhampton Hill trig point!
In mid-January, the views we’re amazing. I’ll be coming back to this one in the summer without a doubt. A nice walk and grab some food at Gwatkin! The snow capped hills made you think you were somewhere else other than little old Herefordshire!
It was about a mile and a quarter out and the same back. The terrain and incline may make this a challenging one but get to the trig point and you’re sure to be rewarded!

Grid reference: SO 38280 35096 | T:UK waypoint: TP4913 | Taken from
Probably my favourite trig bag to date, although it is only the 9th however. If this is a sign of things to come, I’m looking forward to the others! Check out all my blogs on each of the trig bags within Herefordshire here!
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