For the Wheelers Vallets trig point bag, I parked at Vinnalls Car Park.
However, instead of venturing into the Mortimer Forest, I popped over the road toward the camp site in search of the trig point.
My route takes me away from the trig point and loops back around.
However, I thought I could try and make a beeline to it straight up the hill but shorts and the remains of forestry work made that unlikely.
So, I followed the route I punched into Plotaroute and followed where the tech told me to go… Until I thought I found a better way again! Veering off the marked route into a field with a sort of trail leading in the opposite direction, ie, in the direction toward where the trig point was… So I thought what’s the worst that could happen?!
I headed through a gate and thought, once again, about heading straight up the slope. It looked less arduous that the earlier attempt and since I was halfway up the hill, I thought might as well! It was a bit loose underfoot and the forestry work remains (trees and branches just strewn around) made it a bit tricky to negotiate. I saw I very narrow path so hopped onto that to see where it went. It was going up, so it was going to take me somewhere near where I needed to be!
Meandering back and forth along the slope, it finally opened up at the summit.
The Wheelers Vallets trig point is sat right in the middle of the trail.
You can’t miss it! Beautifully maintained and painted white too.
Turns out, the narrow path was a mountain biking trail which was cool to find.
There was even a sign suggesting that mountain bikers walk it before riding it to gauge it. There were some sharp bends and jumps that come out of nowhere! I didn’t encounter any mountain bikers but if any are reading this, probably worth a look just because of the sign alone!
A beautiful summers day with a fun route, easy parking and amazing views made this one a good one.
Thanks for reading! Take a look at my other Herefordshire trig point bags here. If you came via Instagram, thank you too! If you didn’t, do check out my profile here for a cool visual journal.

Grid reference: SO 46901 73478 | T:UK waypoint: TP6861 | Taken from
This one was 42/70. Getting there now!